
Following the use of dotfiles to improve my productivity, I got into using Zsh.

Zsh is a much better bash.

It is a command line shell that will improve your productivity. For example, it can autocomplete common commands. If you type git a<tab>, it will prompt add, am, etc.. And it has community driven theme.

To get started, go to oh-my-zsh on github.


It’s a new year, and I thought I learn something new to increase productivity.

I stumbled upon Dotfiles when watching a Google I/O 2012 video (awesome video on web tools btw).

Dotfiles are hidden files, such as .bash_profile and .aliases, which you edited to suit your workflow for your Mac.

Because everyone has their own ‘dotfiles’, it makes sense to share.

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I have recently faced a critical issue with my iMac (early 2013 model).

It crashes/shutdown randomly and suddenly. It’s as if the power cord has been disconnected.

And it doesn’t restart when I press the power on button. I have to switch off the power socket, wait for a few minutes, then it can be turned back on. Sometimes, if I try to turn back on too early, I can notice my optical mouse lighted up briefly, and the iMac still doesn’t start. These symptons make me wonder is it a power issue..

These were some thing I did.. which still have not solve the issue..

If you know something else that I should do, I will greatly appreciate!

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