Adding and Using Custom Font in iOS

Custom font can be easily added and used in iOS 3.2 or above. Yet it is a very popular question on for iOS Developers.

Here are the steps:

  1. Add the otf/ttf font into your Resources folder. The name of my font is BentonSansComp-Book.otf

  2. Edit info.plist and add a key call UIAppFonts – value type should be Array. The friendly name for UIAppFonts is Fonts provided by application.

  3. In item0 of the array enter the name of the font you added — in my case, BentonSansComp-Book.otf

  4. Find the font name.

    IMPORTANT: The font name is not necessary the filename. Open with Font > Show font info > look for PostScript name. That’s the font name you should use. For my font, it happens that the filename == font name.

  5. Unfortunately, Xcode interface builder does not let you change to your custom font. So you got to code it!

[myLabelView setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"BentonSansComp-Book" size:16]];
